There is a new baby in town, and her name is Reagan! She arrived earlier this month and is absolutely perfect in every way! She is 100% opposite of her older brother and I’m pretty thankful of that. At least, so far she is! She’s been a great sleeper and is so mellow and chill. I guess you have to be like that when your the second child.
Both myself and the baby are doing great and are healthy. I’m recovering from surgery much better then I did last time around which is a plus. This time, I also made sure I had help since I knew I would need it with taking care of an almost 3 year old and recovering/taking care of a newborn.
Big brother is in love with his sister of course acting out a little at times. I also find him ignoring my commands from time to time. I keep telling myself he will eventually listen to me again, right?
I hope to pop back in to share Fresh 48 photos and some of the photos from our newborn shoot plus what baby announcements I go with! Until then, excuse me while I go get more baby snuggles in!
**Photo by Christy Buonomo Photography, copyright 2017.