How is it possible that my precious little baby boy is two years old today? The past two years has gone by in a blink and although I’ve yet to finish his first year digital scrapbook and haven’t even started his second book I have thousands and thousand of photographs of him. I probably have at least one photo every single day he’s been alive. That’s one thing I love about modern-day technology. And the videos… they are endless. I try to get every cute little thing on video and the not-so cute too!
Here is my open letter to Ryder on his 2nd Birthday.
Dear Ryder,
You my friend have grown to be quite the funny little human. Your dad and I predict you’ll be a class clown when your older. Always making the funnies and laughing at your own jokes and self. You’ve recently learned to do “magic” by putting a wash cloth in a cup at bath time and then you pull it out of the cup and flip it around your head. Soaking everyone and everything in the bathroom. And then you laugh. You have the deepest belly laugh like it’s the funniest thing. And I thank you for thinking I’m so funny. I’m glad you love when I pretend to sneeze off your construction hat or safety goggles. That belly laugh lights up my day, sweet boy.
And oh do you love to fish. It melts your dad’s heart as he walks into the house every evening after a long stressful day of work and you run up to him with the biggest smile, give him a hug whether its on his leg or if he bends down to give you a full hug. And then you grab his hand and start to say “fish fish fish”… and demand to go to the garage, grab the fishing poles, and go out back to fish. Pretty sure this is what your father’s been waiting for his entire life. He loves having you as his fishing buddy. As you grow older I predict you two will go on some pretty amazing fishing trips.
You love to be loud and let everyone know that your in the room. Pretty sure you got this trait from me–sorry buddy. Although in recent weeks you’ve learned how to “shhh” and it’s pretty cute. You use it when I tell you to be quiet, when we need to be quiet at a restaurant, and also to pretend that you are sleeping. Your vocabulary is growing daily and you are starting to say two and three words together to help communicate to us what you want and need. Pretty sure your favorite words right now are “no”, “snack”, “treat”, “milk”, “fish”, “out”, “I go”, “tools”, “screw”, and “hammer” to name a few.
You are very independent and love to pretend play at your young age. You take airplanes and make them sore in the air saying “whheeeeeeee” for minutes on end. You play with big trucks and make them “vrooooom”. You LOVE tools. And we hope and pray you continue to love them. Your dad cannot wait to teach you how to build and fix anything and everything in site. It’s such an awesome skill to learn and know and I’m pretty sure you will be building your whole life. Your knack for finding every screw on every piece of item you touch amazes us.
Continue to stay independent, silly, brave, and loving. Keep blowing us kisses, giving us half hugs, and opened mouth kisses.
We love you with all our heart and can’t imagine our lives with out you in it.
Mom (and dad, too)!
My friend Jamie from Jamie Reinhart Photography did a little mini session for us to capture our terrific two year old. I say this with so much sarcasim in my voice. He had absolutely no desire to to take photos the day we had planned for photos. The photo above depicts pretty much our entire session. And Jon’s face adds to it–can you just tell the frustration on our faces! lol He just didn’t want to cooperate. Darn toddlers. I wanted to share a few photos from our session and document yet another great moment in our life. Ryder turning 2!
Ryder wasn’t a fan of all the frosting on his hands… so right after this photo…
He shook his hands and frosting went flying on daddy’s head! Jon’s face is priceless.
And then Ryder thought it was funny.
And snapped out of it and wanted to finally smile! lol.
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