Two weeks ago we started the first of our 2 part series on How To Build A Raised Garden Bed. Today we are going to show you how Mr. Woodsy constructed the garden bed and a few of the veggies we planted! This was a fairly easy project (although time consuming with the little details), and best of all it was light on our budget.
Mr. Woodsy arranged the garden beds how he wanted them in the yard.
Last post Mr. Woodsy showed us how he carved out the grooves to make the joints for the raised garden beds. He literally slid it down the corners of each of the 2×8.
Then, Mr. Woodsy drilled into each of the corners to secure the post.
This is what the post looked like after one side was drilled.
Once the wood boxes were built we moved them to how we wanted them positioned and then Mr. Woodsy began digging out our grass.
Mr. Woodsy filled the garden beds with dirt, placed the plants where he wanted them to be planted, and then began planting each individual plant.
Breaking apart the compacted dirt/roots and planting it in the planter bed.
We planted 16 vegetable plants in all. Some were grown from seed provided by Mr. Woodsy’s parents and the others were store bought.
3 Tomato plants
7 pepper varieties
2 Yellow Squash
2 Zucchini
2 cucumber
1 Eggplant
Here’s to hoping that our vegetable garden thrives!