My sweet baby girl is two years old today. How the heck is that possible? Feels like just yesterday Ryder was meeting her in the hospital for the first time. The last two years have flown by. Gone are the days I have a little baby–she’s a full blown toddler now. The time definitely moves much quicker when you have a second child. I don’t know if it’s the fact that she’s a girl, or a second child, or a combo but dang is she much more advanced then Ryder was at this age. She is full-on keeping us on our toes.
From playing in the toilet to painting her hands with marker in my office she loves to explore. She’s also wrote on the wall (thankfully, in pencil), and LOVES to climb. Way more then my first born ever did, and here I thought he was a handful! It’s nice to have an older sibling who can keep tabs on her while I’m doing the dishes, cooking dinner, etc. He also teaches her so much, and dang does she miss him when he’s at school. Never, did I realize this would be a transition for her too. She runs into his classroom when it’s time for pickup screaming “bubba”. Her nickname she has given Ryder since she can’t say his name but she can say “bubba”.
Reagan is my explorer. And sassy. So much sas for such a tiny little human. I remind Jon often that we are in so much trouble when she hits her teenage years. Then again, maybe a tough toddler will yield an easy teen? One can dream.
She loves all things girly. Loves every Disney Princess, all the doll babies, and dressing up! She has to pick out her own clothes, bow, and jelly shoes every day. You’ll see her in her pink jelly shoes almost 90% of the time.
She’s also very strong. Afterall, she has an older brother who doesn’t understand what the term “gentle” means.
Reagan is also lovey. She loves to cuddle and give kisses and half hugs. Okay, like a shoulder not a hug.
She started using the potty before bath-time around 18-months, and hasn’t stopped since. In fact, she is pretty ready to be potty trained, but I’m holding back a little bit longer.
She aced survival swim last year, and starts her second round of lessons in another month.
Jon and I can’t wait to watch her year as a two year old unfolds. She babbles and most of the time I can kind of understand what she is saying. I know once she finally figures out the words she won’t ever shut up again (just like her brother). I say that in the most loving motherly way possible!
We spent her birthday this morning at a Kid’s Play Place with all her friends and cousins. We went back to our house to eat lunch with our family, and then spent the evening at Epcot. We dined with all her favorite princesses! Plus a few rides despite the park being pretty busy.
Reagan is definitely living her best life, and we are so happy we can give her everything and more.
Happy 2nd Birthday, sweet baby girl! We love you.
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